Spaced range of Energy Clearing Sprays

About Spaced

Spaced is the first commercially available spray to combine powerful energy clearing Florida water with unique blends of essential oils. Florida water has been used for over 200 years by shamanic practitioners to cleanse themselves, their clients and the space around them before carrying out a healing treatment. It has a cleansing, clearing and clarifying effect and the addition of essential oils in varying combinations bring other beneficial properties too; making the area smell lovely! There are currently four sprays in the range with more on the way!

Spaced is also the first energy clearing spray to be openly aimed at clearing negative energies caused by other people. We all know what it is like to enter a room where “you could cut the atmosphere with a knife.” We know what it is to take in the negative energies of others, how toxic this can be, and how helpless we can feel. To pick up the spray and use it, to cleanse and to clear, is to feel more empowered. It enables us to draw a line under the conflict and move on. It allows us to step back into the present moment. It allows us to detach our core self from the negativity that has been imposed upon us. It allows us to choose again. It does so both by the properties of the product itself and by our decision to use it.

Conflict in the home, work space or even social sphere is no fun, but that doesn’t mean we need to feel serious or worthy all the time about the task of caring for ourselves and others. Spaced is the first such product to use humour, even sarcasm, in its label wording, for humour is a magnificent way of coming to terms with the more difficult aspects of the human condition. This difficulty unites us all. and by spraying the affected area, all are benefited.

Spaced is vegan friendly and cruelty-free.

Our bottles are a beautiful blue glass with silver lids. Whilst a little more expensive for us to make and to post, this reflects our eco credentials. Our retro font and space unicorn also provide an uplifting touch.